Shri Madhvendra Charitable Trust

Our Param Poojya H. H. Shrimad Sudhindra Tirtha Swami had dreamt of a bigger plan of providing a full-fledged 50 bedded Hospital and Research Centre for providing in- house facilities with proper beds and 24 hour medical facilities to our Community members as well as other public at affordable rates. Swami’s dream has since acquired some shape as it is proposed to open Sri Madhavendra Hospital and Medical Research Centre with all modern facilities in the proposed Sri Sudhindra Co-op. Housing Society Ltd. The total cost of this proposed hospital has been estimated at Rs.50.00 crores. Full co-operation and generous donations from our munificent members are solicited to make our Param Poojya Swami’s dream a reality.
Medical Assistance is provided to the economically weaker sections of the society through Shri Madhavendra Charitable Trust. The Trust has granted aid of Rs. 8.52 Lakhs in just a period of 4 years. Rs. 2 Lakhs were disbursed to patients in F.Y. 18-19 Rs. 3 Lakhs in F.Y. 19-20 Rs. 1.52 Lakhs in F.Y. 20-21. Even during the current CoVid-19 Pandemic Rs. 3.52 Lakhs have already been disbursed.
Committee of Shri Madhvendra Charitable Trust
Shri Ramesh Prabhu – Chairman
Shri Mohandas Mallya – Managing Trustee
Shri Vijay Kamath – Treasurer
Dr. Narayan Kini
Dr. Gopinath Shenoy
Dr. Annappa Hegde
Shri Shamsunder Pai
Shri Ganesh Prabhu
Shri Prashant Bhandarkar
Shri Madhukar Bhandarkar
Shri Avadhut Pai
Shri Madhavendra Charitable Trust:
Registered with the charity Commissioner under Registration no. E-14439 (Bombay) dated 23.04.1993
Registered under Income Tax Act 1961 u/s. 12a(a) No. 29909/TR dated 3.6.1993
Having PAN AAATS0268E
Donation to the Trust are exempted under section 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961.