Sadguru Varadendra Medical and Diagnostic Centre

Sadguru Varadendra Medical and Diagnostic Centre has been functioning since 2001 providing consultation and diagnostic facilities at subsidized rates to the needy and poor. The Diagnostic Centre was inaugurated on 28th May 2001 at the August Hands of H. H. Shrimad Sudhindra Thirtha Swami at a capital outlay of Rs. 1.30 Crores, the centre is located in Bhuvanendra CHS. Ltd. Sudhindra Nagar, Dahisar (East).
To make medical services affordable to the needy, Shree Kashi Math Samsthan, Varanasi and Dahisar Sri Kashi Math – Sri Vittal Rakhumai Mandir have been continuously providing subsidy and have so far contributed nearly Rs. 80 lakhs over a period of 8 years. More than a Lakh out-patients have taken the benefit of using the medical services since inception.
Sadguru Varadendra Medical and Diagnostic Centre has been in operation for more than 20 years and mordernization entails additional capital outlay.
Medical Assistance is provided to the economically weaker sections of the society through Shri Madhavendra Charitable Trust. The Trust has granted aid of Rs. 8.52 Lakhs in just a period of 4 years. Rs. 2 Lakhs were disbursed to patients in F.Y. 18-19 Rs. 3 Lakhs in F.Y. 19-20 Rs. 1.52 Lakhs in F.Y. 20-21. Even during the current CoVid-19 Pandemic Rs. 3.52 Lakhs have already been disbursed.
Donation to the Trust are exempted under section 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961.