Sadguru Sudhindra Educational Charitable Trust

As desired by our Param Poojya Shrimad Sudhindra Tirtha Swami, a scheme for extending scholarship / freeship to enable poor but academically deserving students to pursue their higher / professional studies, especially Engineering, Medical, CA., M.B.A etc was envisaged in 2011 under the name Shree Sudhindra Educational Scholarship / Freeship Fund. Accordingly, scholarship / freeship of Rs.8.35 lakhs Rs.11.14 lakhs and 13.62 lakhs was given to 15, 26 and 31 deserving students respectively during three consecutive years i.e 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 under this Fund by Dahisar Sri Kashi Math. This Fund was subsequently changed as Sadguru Sudhindra Educational Charitable Trust. Under this Trust such freeship /scholarship was provided amounting to Rs.15.72 lakhs, Rs.19.01 lakhs, Rs. 21.01, Rs. 23.43 Lakhs, Rs. 25.55 Lakhs, Rs. 23.04 Lakhs Rs. 16.10 Lakhs during the years 2014-15 till 2020-21 respectively to 42-63 deserving students increasing every year.The Trust is being governed by a Board of Trustees comprising 11 distinguished members of our Community. The Trust has so far received Rs.2.02 Crores in its corpus as of date. Over the last 7 years from 2014-15 to 2020-21 a total of 194 students have benefitted to the tune of Rs. 1.77 crores.
With the grace of Almighty and blessings of H. H. Shrimad Sudhindra Tirtha Swami and H. H. Shrimad Samyamindra Tirtha Swami Mathadhipati of Shree Kashi Math Samsthan Varanasi, the Trust is expected to fulfil its noble and benevolent purpose in the years to come as envisioned by Shrimad Sudhindra Tirtha Swami
Committee of Sadguru Sudhindra Educational Charitable Trust
Shri G. Damodar Rao – Chairman
Shri Shamsunder Pai – Gen. Secretary
Shri Shrinivas Prabhu– Treasurer
Shri Mohandas Mallya
Adv. J. S. Kini
Shri C. M. S. Rao
Shri Varad Mallya
Shri Umesh Kamath
Shri Dinesh Mallya
Sadguru Sudhindra Educational Charitable Trust:
Registered with the charity Commissioner under Registration no. E-30102 (Mumbai) dated 28.01.2014
Registered under Income Tax Act 1961 u/s. 12a(a) No. 47480/TR dated 18.12.2014
Having PAN AANTS7083A
Donation to the Trust are exempted under section 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961.